The Universal Flood.(aka. the flood of Noah)

lucky for you, you can have the long version or the short version. this video is just a short video I found that sums everything up and is way easier than reading. But if you want the details then you're going to have to do some reading so choose video or article.

Alright looks like you chose article, so the flood. The flood has kind of been dropped from history to myth. Which, to be honest, isn't surprising because as you can imagine, it's a little hard to believe water covered the ENTIRE earth am I right? Besides, where would the water even come from?

If you've read my post: proof of a hydroplanet, you hopefully learned that our earth is made of water and not magma. If you still don't think so, let me know and I will answer every question I can. So back to the flood, If our earth has so much water in it, all that needs to happen so that water comes up on the land surface is for the continents to sink. The question would be how. This, like many things in the universal model, has a very simple answer that takes FOREVER to explain.😂 So the continents are floating because of centrifugal force from earth's rotations, for the ground to sink below the water we are floating on, the earth's spin just needs slowed. How it happened was a comet about the size of the moon, passes by our earth. It doesn't have to hit earth, just pass by close enough for it's gravity to pull the earth in the other direction. so earth slows down and land sinks below the water. but because earth's spin is perpetuated by a certain universal energy, it gains speed again and land reemerged, changed forever. 
I learned about this from these awesome people,


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