Proof of a Hydroplanet

 If you are new to this science, this post is one for you, this post is mostly an overview of one of the most extreme claims in the Universal model: Earth is made of water. In the early 1700's there was a debate about the contents of the inner earth, what was below our crust? this debate was between those who had believed for many years that the earth was filled with water. people like Newton and Galileo and many more people had always known that the earth was filled with water. but the Plutonists believed earth was instead mainly magma and molten rock. like we learn in schools today, I don't need to say who won the debates. the reason the Plutonists won is because The Neptunists could not answer how volcanoes erupt. to many, volcanoes are obvious and clear evidence that our earth, below the crust, is comprised of molten rock. What if lava had another source than magma? What if the Neptunists were right? has anyone seen magma? right now in this post, when I say magma I am referring to the molten rock scientists assume is beneath the crust. With this definition has anyone seen magma? Not yet, no one has been able to drill below the crust. so how would we know it exists? we have to guess or use another means of seeing under the crust. and one of the ways is seismic waves. You've probably learned about seismic waves in school, especially about earth science. 

as you can see, the waves are reflected of the outer core and are able to pass through the mantle. since S waves are only able to 

 travel through solid rock it should be clear that the mantle is comprised of at least some solid rock. but according to 'modern science' S waves are able to travel through the mantle, the one they claim is liquid, because it is "plasticky." at the same time however, the are contradicting themselves when they also claim that a shear (S) wave cannot travel through a liquid because it has no shear strength for the waves to travel through! so even if the mantle wasn't completely liquid it still would need the "Shear strength" for S waves to travel through. but that's not the only thing that we need to look at. what about the fact that earth still has the heat to MELT ROCK after siting in the freezing depths of space for, according to 'modern scientists', 4.5 BILLION YEARS! do you know how long that is? how could the earth possibly stay hot enough to melt rock for that amount of time? Scientists have thought about this too, and came up with the idea that radioactivity keeps earth hot. "Marone says, the vast majority of the heat in Earth's interior—up to 90 percent—is fueled by the decaying of radioactive isotopes like Potassium 40, Uranium 238, 235, and Thorium 232 contained within the Mantle" (Probing Question: What heats the earth's core? - 

So there you go, 90% of earth's heat is from radioactivity. But of course there is problems with this too. if you took a rock and put radioactive elements that are found in nature, it would definitely not melt the rock. even if you made a pile of them. it would not melt. that's because it takes extreme refining  to make radioactive ores that are found in nature to produce heat. what else? The deepest borehole drilled was drilled in Russia, For various studies. You would expect that as they drilled deeper into earth, that the temperature would increase steadily because we are taught that the center of earth is molten. instead of a steady increase of temperature, the hole was geologically cool. until it was not. there was a heat spike in the hole which they later found out was from an earthquake. the friction caused heat in the earth and they found that it actually melted the rock at the depth of the earthquake in the borehole. any more evidence?  According to experiments, all it takes to demagnetize a magnet is 170°F. But at the same time, modern science also claims that the magnetic field that protects us from being fried by the suns rays is being generated by our earth's core. but if scientists claim that the earth is "6000 degrees Celsius" according to a google search, "Scientists have determined the temperature near the Earth's center to be 6000 degrees Celsius, 1000 degrees hotter than in a previous experiment run 20 years ago." How could temperatures exceeding 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit contain magnetism for the entire earth? It's so simple! We know we have an electric field; we can measure and observe our energy field a number of ways. However, such a field could not exist if it came from a extremely hot inner earth. How do we know our earth is filled with this magma we learn about in the classrooms all around the world? Scientists have mapped, measured, and studied planets that are lightyears away! Shouldn't they know what lies beneath our own feet? looking at the evidence, it seems maybe our understanding of earth's interior is flawed. perhaps we need to look at the evidence in a new way with a new understanding. let's do that now. what if our earth, instead of magma, contains a different substance. one that allows S waves to travel through the mantle, but not through the outer core. a substance that is common on the earth and throughout the universe. I would say, and I hope you agree, that a cutaway picture of earth would look a little bit more like this model below.

with this model, arises a few questions among most. One would be, where would the lava come from? we see it come out of volcanoes, right as it comes out of the ground. what could possibly be fueling these volcanoes? as we learned earlier with the Russian borehole, friction from earthquakes can create heat enough to melt rock. of course, we all know friction creates heat, when your hands are cold you rub them together to warm them. you make frictional heat. 15-20 years ago, scientists discovered that the earth "breathes" in a geological sense. the crust of the earth moves up and down every 24 hours, they found this out using satellites. receivers would send signals to the satellites and so the satellites could track the tinniest movements of those receivers. The American continent moves up and down 1 foot every day. How could the ground be moving? it happens because of the moon. many people learn in school that the moon pulls on the waters on the earth using its gravity causing the tides. But gravity doesn't only pull on water, does it? the gravity of the moon pulls also on the earth's crust. it pulls earth into an egg like shape as it orbits around. this is called earth-tide. the friction caused by this earth-tide, and by earthquakes major and minor, creates the heat for volcanoes. the real reason why lava activity follows tectonic plate lines, is because that's where the most friction and movement takes place. causing the heated activity. and this can be proved many ways if you look at other areas where the earth is being heated. for example, Yellowstone. at that point 3 fault lines are pushing to the very heart of Yellowstone, and creating the heated activity seen by millions of people. that's why we can predict old faithful's eruptions using the moon, because the moon IS the cause of its eruption! 
Back to our earth's energy field, we are going to look at the way it IS generated if it isn't being created with a hot core. And we're going to do that with quartz. quartz is the most common mineral on land, and it has some pretty interesting properties. quartz is able to create piezoelectricity as discovered by the Curie brothers in March 1880. Piezoelectricity is just energy given off by quartz crystals. What this has to do with our energy field is that as Earth-tide and other events that flex earth's crust push and pull on the quartz all over earth. All this flexing of quartz gives off energy that charges our atmosphere and makes the protective field around earth. this same electrical discharge produces lightning and the Arora borealis. more about that in another post. 
our earth's geofield mapped

I learned these things here,



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